Babassu oil – how is it different from other oils?
Healthful properties of oils have been known for a long time. We can observe some kind of “oil boom” and great come back of oils which find wider and wider use in cosmetology. It’s hard to choose a particular oil considering that they work relatively similarly. However, there are numerous properties which make some oils stand out among others. The example is babassu oil taken from Brasilian nuts of Cohune palm tree.
What healthful ingredients does it contain?
- includes about 70% lipids which take part in creation processes of cell membrane
- it’s very safe, non-toxic, doesn’t cause allergic reactions or irritations
- it’s full of myristic acid which supports immune system of the whole organism and also regulates anabolism – synthesis of proteins in our system (repairs microdamages of fibres in muscles and reinforces them)
- contains monounsaturated acid which is natural protection from UV radiation therefore it is used in sunscreen products
- another valuable saturated acid included in babassa oil is lauric acid which has antimicrobial and antiseptic properties
- there are even more fatty acids in this oil; three worth mentioning: omega-6 oleic acid which makes hair fibers slick thus improves condtion of our hair; polyunsaturated omega-6 linoleic acid improves metabolism; and Gamma-linolenic acid (polyunsaturated n−3) – the lack of it causes wrinkles
- contains sigificant amount of phytosterols so it brilliantly regenerates and repairs cells from the inside
- vitamine E improves blood supply
Healthful properties of babassa oil place it on a very high position among other oils. It’s worth to become friends with babassa oil instead of getting used to one particular oil. Our organism likes diversity which we should provide to make it work more effectively.

What do you need babassu oil for?
Babassu oil is an oil that comes from an exotic babassu palm (Attalea speciosa). To be more precise, the oil is extracted from the nuts of the palm. It has the form of a soft butter. At above 30 degrees it becomes a clear oil. In such a liquid form, it is suitable for oiling the hair. However, the more condensed form will be ideal as a facial cream, body lotion or lip balm. What features does the babassu oil have? Read the text carefully and you will see that this oil will forever stay with you as a universal

Homemade babassu oil hair mask.
Weak, dull, fragile hair, with no shine and protection? Most of us has probably gone through these stages many times. Hair does not have easy life. It is constantly exposed to the wind, frost or harsh sun. Dried by a hot air from the bow-dryer. Even untangling it with a comb after each washing can be very harmful as well as constantly stretching it with a rubber band. It is a really hair-raising problem. Fortunately, there is a reliable and safe way to prevent it. Two or three times a week (or at least during the weekend) apply this mask

Babassu oil VS Castor oil by Nanoil. Which one will win this clash of titans?
It’s been long since natural oils have been introduced into regular hair care. They wield a tremendous power, produce stunning effects and are surprisingly easy to use. The only issue that might appear slightly troublesome is choosing the right oil, and among them there is tropical babassu oil and well-known castor oil. Which one will suit you better? Babassu oil VS Castor oil Babassu oil and castor oil have much in common, however, there are also many things that set them apart. Their mutual qualities are: vitamin and fatty acid content, having regenerating and antibacterial effect, being suitable for hair

Babassu oil: What to do with it?
Babassu oil is basically soft, light coloured, butter. It melts in 30 degrees and then becomes on oil. It can successfully be used both in solid and liquid form. Why should it appear in your bathroom? First of all, it is perfect as a hair conditioner. It can be added to your regular conditioner. Thanks to this, your hair will become soft and strong, and what is also important, easier to comb. Secondly, it protects the hair ends. You can apply it on damp hair tips after each washing. This will replace using a serum for dry hair ends. It